~One Must Fall Hints & Cheats, contributed by Chris Mathias. Here are the moves and cheats for One Must Fall. I've left the "Destruction" moves blank, as I've yet to discover most of them. I've also included a brief summary of the characters' motives for entering the competition, and some tips on the various robots. ~One Must Know The Moves ~Jaguar Concussion Cannon - Down, roll to Away, Punch Jaguar Leap (Basic) - Down, roll to Towards, Punch Jaguar Leap (Extended) - Away, roll to Down, roll to Towards, Punch Overhead Throw - Jump, press Down + Punch Scrap Move - Down, Down, Up + Punch Destruction - Down, Up + Kick (when Jaguar holds opponent over head) ~Thorn Spike Charge - Forward, Forward, Punch Speed Kick (Basic) - Down, roll to Forwards, Kick Speed Kick (Extended) - Away, roll to Down, roll to Forwards, Kick Wall Swoop - Jump to wall, Down-Towards, Kick Scrap - Away, Away, Towards, Punch Destruction - ~Pyros Thrust (Basic) - Towards, Towards, Punch Thrust (Extended) - Towards, Towards, Towards, Punch Fire Spin - Down, Punch Jet Swoop - Jump, Down + Kick Scrap - Towards, Towards, Down, Down, Punch Destruction - ~Shadow Shadow Slide - Down, roll to Away, Kick Shadow Punch - Down, roll to Away, Punch Shadow Grab - Down, Down + Punch Shadow Dive - Jump, Down, roll to Towards, Punch Scrap - Away, Towards, roll to Up, roll to Away, Punch Destruction - ~Electra Lightning Sphere - Down, roll to Away, Punch Rolling Thunder (Basic) - Towards, Towards + Punch Rolling Thunder (Advanced) - Down, roll to Towards, Towards + Punch Electric Shards - Down, roll to Towards, Punch Scrap - Down, Towards, Punch Destruction - ~Katana Heel Stomp - Jump, Down + Kick Wall Spin - Down, roll to Towards/Away, Kick Corkscrew Blade (Basic) - Down, roll to Towards, Punch Corkscrew Blade (Extended) - Away, roll to Down, roll to Towards, Punch Scrap - Towards, roll to Down, roll to Away, Punch Destruction - ~Shredder Flip Kick - Down, Down, Kick Flying Hands - Down, roll to Away, Punch Head Butt (Basic) - Down, roll to Towards, Punch Head Butt (Extended) - Away, roll to Down, roll to Towards, Punch Scrap - Down, Towards, Punch Destruction - ~Flail Charging Punch - Away, Away, Punch Spinning Throw - Towards, Towards, Kick Fast Swinging Chains - Down, Punch Slow Swinging Chains - Down, Kick Scrap - Towards, Towards, Towards + Punch Destruction - ~Gargoyle Rising Talon - Down, roll to Towards, Punch Diving Claw - Jump, Down + Kick Wing Charge - Towards, Towards, Punch Scrap - Away, roll to Down, roll to Towards, Punch Destruction - ~Chronos Matter Phasing - Down, roll to Away, Kick Teleportation - Down, Punch (hold direction to teleport to corner) Stasis Activator (Basic) - Down, roll to Away, Punch Stasis Activator (Extended) - Towards, roll to Down, roll to Away, Punch Scrap - Up, Down, Towards, Punch Destruction - ~Nova Grenade - Down, roll to Away, Punch Missile Launcher - Down, roll to Towards, Punch Aerial Missile Launcher - Jump, Down, roll to Towards, Punch Earthquake Smash - Down, Down, Punch Belly Flop - Jump, Down + Punch Scrap - Down, roll to Away, Towards + Punch Destruction - NB - Use the scrap moves just after 'You Win' has appeared on the screen to cause more damage to your opponent. While performing the scrap move, pressing another combination of keys will result in a destruction move, which will destroy your opponent's robot. ~One Must Know The Cheats ~Advanced Menu Hold down 2, 0, 9 and 7 to make a new option appear in the Gameplay sub-menu ~Difficulty Settings When selecting difficulty, press + hold Right for 'Deadly' mode. After this, press + hold O, M and F for a few seconds, then press Right for 'Ultimate' Difficulty ~Sound Test Press and hold Alt, S and F on the main menu ~Colour Selection On the robot selection screen in 2 player mode, use keys 1-6 to change robot colours, and key F9 to restore original colours ~BIG Damage Hold down B, I, G and a number from 1-9 to multiply the debris flying from your opponent by that number ~REINing Scrap Metal Hold down R, E, I and N and the scrap metal will fall through the floor and fall from the top of the screen. ~One Must know the robots ~Jaguar Quite fast, poor moves. Try using the overhead throw whenever possible. The Jaguar leap is for experienced players only, as it can get you into serious trouble if your opponent blocks and counters you. Use with a fast character (e.g. Milano) for best results. The Jaguar's roundhouse kick is very fast, making it a good move to use in combos. ~Thorn Not the best robot. Limited moves and slow speed make it a very specialised choice. Only use this with a powerful character (e.g. Shirro or Raven). Its kicks have a very long range, therefore it can be useful for keeping the enemy at bay. ~Pyros Fast 'n' fiery, but its legs/skirt area is vulnerably. It's better at defence than attacking. Use your flames to keep an enemy away from you, then nail them with a Jet Swoop. Suitable for all characters. ~Shadow One of the best robots. Difficult to master, but well worth it. This is one of the few robots that can take on a Nova and win comfortably. The Shadow Grab can be very effective - grab your opponent, jump in close doing a flying kick just as you land, then repeated low punches finishing with a leg sweep as you move out of range should put any other robot on the ground and keep them there. Use Shadow Dives at a distance to confuse the hell out of the computer. ~Electra Good all round. Quite fast (in the right hands) but not that powerful. Good roundhouse kick, and its electric shards are good for persuading any enemies to keep their distance. Better with a fast character. ~Katana Contrary to the manual, this is one of the worst robots. No ranged attacks combined with average abilities make this a choice for masochists only. Its only saving grace is its Heel Stomp, where if you can get your opponent trapped in a corner you are free to go and tap-dance on their heads to your heart's content. ~Shredder Don't bother. Poor all-round. Easy moves to learn, but not enough power to play with the big boys. Fine against the Jaguar, Thorn etc., but show it a Nova and watch it run and hide in the corner. ~Flail This is more like it. Its chains pack more punch than Frank Bruno flavoured HP Sauce (remember those adverts?) and have a good range. Its spinning throw is pretty devastating, and its spinning chains are great if you get you opponent trapped in a corner. More than capable of taking on a Nova. ~Gargoyle Use this if you want to win. Although they've got a weak frame, catching the buggers so you can pound them ain't easy. Their diving claw is the most ridiculously useful move in the game. Just sweep them at the start of the match, then use this repeatedly as they get up. Instant win every time - or your money back. ~Chronos Although these sound great in theory, in practice they're about as useful as a bottled fart. Their teleport is worse than useless (you just get hammered when you materialise), their matter phasing is not much better, even if you get the distance right and don't sail over your intended target, he'll have plenty of time to block and beat several shades of bright blue crap out of you. The stasis activator is good against a beginner, but experienced players will block it and counter with a fast attack, resulting in Chronos-flavoured pate on the arena floor. Choose a Jaguar instead. ~Nova Ridiculously powerful. This robot is only available in tournament mode, but put it against a lesser robot and watch them run off crying. This robot downs a vindaloo and seven pints of extra strength, dead-hard, "Jesus, what is this stuff?" inducing booze, pounds its huge chest and shouts "Come on then, if you think you're hard enough!". Fully powered up, this robot goes beyond hard, into that realm usually reserved for building materials and volcanic rocks. In other words, this robot is BLOODY AMAZING. The best way to fight is to lay down a barrage of projectiles. Try throwing a grenade, then using your missile launcher, then an earthquake smash. They'll block the grenade, then jump into the missile trying to escape the smash. Most of its kicks result in 2-hit combos, and its throw consists of grabbing their opponent, lifting them off the ground, then force-feeding them a knuckle sandwich. Warning - Watch out for the Gargoyle's Diving Claw attack, as this can wear you down over time. Against a flail, keep your distance to avoid its spinning chains. ~One must know the characters ~Crystal After winning the competition, she accesses Kreissack's secret files, and proves that WAR murdered her parents. Having got her revenge on Kreissack, she flies off to Ganymede to begin her new life. ~Steffan After taking command of Ganymede, he looks for more power, seeking to control WAR, then the world. ~Milano With Kreissack dead, he looks to turn WAR back into an institution to serve mankind, rather than controlling it. ~Christian After winning the tournament, he becomes involved with Iron Fist, the mercenaries who killed his parents, and joins their cause of fighting WAR and its minions. ~Shirro With his new power, he looks to turn HAR fighting into the new national sport. ~Jean-Paul Although the Nova research has been destroyed, he looks to rebuild what Kreissack created, to achieve his aim to transplant his 'perfect mind' into a perfect body. ~Ibrahim Fascinated by the Nova robot he fought, Ibrahim seeks to rebuild what he fought against, although not by transplanting a human mind into a robotic body as Kressack hoped. ~Angel As a member of an alien race on Ganymede, she looks to gain control of WAR to prevent her culture being eradicated during the colonisation process. ~Cossette After being crippled many years ago, she looks to continue the Nova research, so she can again gain the use of her legs, even if it means placing her mind inside a robot. ~Raven Raven looks to replace Kreissack as president of WAR, his first decision is to slaughter those on the board of directors who opposed his decision.